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2021 Opens with "Drouot Déco"

Published on , by Bernard Zirnheld

The year’s first installment of "Drouot Déco", a regular exhibition co-organized by auction house experts, is on view in Room 2 through January 25th.  It assembles an eclectic lot of accessibly priced furniture and art offered in upcoming sales.

Images courtesy of © Drouot Patrimoine 2021 Opens with

Images courtesy of © Drouot Patrimoine

Not every art lover can offer themselves a €698,500 painting by Leonora Carrington or a 4.5 million-euro Qianlong dynasty heirloom vase. Happily, daily sales at the Hôtel Drout propose objects of aesthetic and historical interest that are within financial reach. This first “collegial exhibition” of 2021 is particularly rich in artist’s prints and mid-century modernist furniture. A recent article about the Roger Passeron Collection in La  Gazette Drouot  focused on the rising prices of artist’s prints. If you were inspired to explore this sector of the art market, Drouot Déco features a large number of limited-edition lithographs and photographs. These works exhibit the same themes and techniques that define the artists’ easel paintings but are available at a modest price. For example, while Max Ernst’s oil painting Forest recently sold for more than €3 million, his 1956 photolithograph…
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