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A Landscape’s Solitude Captured by Buffet

Published on , by Caroline Legrand
Auction on 24 April 2021 - 14:00 (CEST) - 17, avenue du Général-de-Gaulle - 64000 Pau

Ubiquitous Bernard Buffet (1928-1999) is back with an urban painting from 1970. This work ushered in a period when he abandoned the human figure.

Bernard Buffet (1928-1999), Le Tunnel, oil on Isorel panel, 1970, signed and dated,... A Landscape’s Solitude Captured by Buffet

Bernard Buffet (1928-1999), Le Tunnel, oil on Isorel panel, 1970, signed and dated, numbered “19Z” on the back and bearing the Maurice Garnier gallery’s stamp, 54 x 73 cm/21.26 x 28.75 in.
Estimate: €30,000/50,000

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Buffet split his time between Brittany and Paris. By then the artist had reached a calm state of mind that he enjoyed expressing in all kinds of landscapes , from the seaside to Parisian monuments and…
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bijoux, ivoires, horlogerie, tableaux, mobilier et objets d'art, objets de vitrine, pendules, instruments scientifiques et de marine
Saturday 24 April 2021 - 14:00 (CEST)
17, avenue du Général-de-Gaulle - 64000 Pau
Ivoire - Carrère & Laborie