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A Minister Magnified by Ingres

Result EUR1,089,000
Published on , by Philippe Dufour
Auction on 01 January 2019 - 14:15 (CET) - 6, rue des Caraques - 76460 Saint-Valery-en-Caux
A New Year’s Day auction at Saint-Valery-en-Caux (Normandy) of two drawings by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, the genius of the ideal line, set both bidders in the room and telephones abuzz. Their quality was no less exceptional than their models, two historic figures from the 1830s and 1840s. The first was Ferdinand-Philippe,...
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (1780-1867), "Portrait de monsieur le comte Molé",... A Minister Magnified by Ingres
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (1780-1867), "Portrait de monsieur le comte Molé", 1833, charcoal, stump and white chalk highlights on beige paper, 47 x 35 cm, signed.
Result: €1,089,000
A New Year’s Day auction at Saint-Valery-en-Caux (Normandy) of two drawings by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, the genius of the ideal line, set both bidders in the room and telephones abuzz.…
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tableaux, mobilier et objets d'art, sculptures, bronzes, verreries, pendules
Tuesday 01 January 2019 - 14:15 (CET)
6, rue des Caraques - 76460 Saint-Valery-en-Caux