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Adolfo Orsi, Author of Classic Car Auction Yearbook: The Automotive Bible

Published on , by Olivier Tosseri

Every year, this distinguished classic car expert publishes a detailed analysis of the market. In his latest edition, Aldolfo Orsi describes a return to normal after the euphoria of the post-Covid years.

  Adolfo Orsi, Author of Classic Car Auction Yearbook: The Automotive Bible
You have just published a new edition of the Classic Car Auction Yearbook . Your book has become a benchmark. Published since 1994, it has established itself over three decades as the bible of the classic car market. We offer an extremely in-depth analysis, based on the results of the most important international auctions held between September 1 and August 31, at the close of the traditional Monterey Car Week. This is the most important annual event in the sector. In our latest edition, we report on a market that continues to enjoy excellent health, albeit somewhat less dynamic. After accelerating in the 2000s, prices slowed between 2016 and 2020, only to pick up again after the Covid-19 crisis. This tremendous boom was bordering on euphoria, with salesroom results constantly breaking new records. They were more restrained last year because, as the stock market saying goes: "Trees never grow to the sky." So, how did this shift come about? If, in 2022 , no Ferrari F40 was sold for less than €2.5 million, by 2023 it could…
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