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Alberto Giacometti's Lucky Star

Result EUR241,800
Published on , by Sophie Reyssat
Auction on 11 December 2021 - 14:30 (CET) - ZI, 746, rue du Maréchal-Juin - 77000 Vaux-le-Pénil

The bronze lamps created by the sculptor in the mid-1930s look as modern as ever.

Alberto Giacometti (1901-1966), "Star" floor lamp base, model created in c. 1936,... Alberto Giacometti's Lucky Star

Alberto Giacometti (1901-1966), "Star" floor lamp base, model created in c. 1936, bronze proof with brown-black patina and subtle hints of antique green, monogrammed and numbered AG 042 on the foot by the Giacometti Committee, h. 148.7 cm/58.8 in.
Result: €241,800

This non-specialist auction raised €935,671 including fees, a total that included this "Star" floor lamp by Alberto Giacometti, which at €241,800 doubled its estimate. Proportionally, an even more glittering success was achieved by his…
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Saturday 11 December 2021 - 14:30 (CET) - Live
ZI, 746, rue du Maréchal-Juin - 77000 Vaux-le-Pénil
Jakobowicz & Associés