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An Appointment with Louis XIV, Napoleon I and a Directory-period Family

Result EUR818,400
Published on , by Philippe Dufour
Auction on 04 October 2020 - 14:00 (CEST) - Château d'Artigny, 92, rue de Monts - 37250 Montbazon

Taking place in a particular context because of Covid-19 measures, the 32nd "garden party" sale at the château d'Artigny, preceded by innovative virtual tours, lived up to its tradition by achieving excellent results.

Louis Gauffier (1762-1801), La Cueillette des oranges ou Réunion de famille d'un... An Appointment with Louis XIV, Napoleon I and a Directory-period Family

Louis Gauffier (1762-1801), La Cueillette des oranges ou Réunion de famille d'un diplomate accrédité en Italie sous le Directoire (Picking Oranges, or Family of a Diplomat Accredited in Italy under the Directory), 1797-1798, signed and dated oil on canvas, 69 x 99 cm.
Result: €818,400

The total proceeds of the two-day auction was €3,774,560. As usual, this well-deserved success was due to the quality of the pieces, some of which were royal, such as the famous medallion Louis XIV gave to the privateer Alain Porée of Saint-Malo in 1696. Estimated at €80,000, it fetched €620,000!…
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Sunday 04 October 2020 - 14:00 (CEST) - Live
Château d'Artigny, 92, rue de Monts - 37250 Montbazon
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