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Archaeological Digs: Gallic Coins and Morels!

Published on , by Vincent Noce

A young historian found one of the most beautiful treasures in the Netherlands, dating from 1000 to 1250, which has become the property of the discoverer, who has deposited it on loan to the National Museum of Archaeology.

  Archaeological Digs: Gallic Coins and Morels!
In the United Kingdom , a gold necklace bearing the initials of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon was recently discovered. In Somerset, 2,500 silver coins minted by the Normans at the time of the conquest of England have been unearthed. In 2021, in England and Wales, nearly 46,000 archaeological discoveries, including a thousand treasures, were attributed to individuals equipped with metal detectors. In all, they unearthed nearly one and a half million objects, from prehistoric times to the Renaissance. Since 1997, the UK has set up a network to supervise…
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