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Art Price Index: King François I, The Embodiment of the French Renaissance

Published on , by Sophie Reyssat

Posterity has been kind to the king who embodied the French Renaissance, making him a legend.

€68,156Eleven letters from François I to Jean de Selve and Pierre de La Guiche, ambassadors... Art Price Index: King François I, The Embodiment of the French Renaissance

Eleven letters from François I to Jean de Selve and Pierre de La Guiche, ambassadors to England, signed “Francoys”, January-April [1515].
Paris, Drouot, May 15, 2013. Maigret (Thierry de) auction house. Mr. Bodin.

François I (r. 1515-1547) was a handsome man, the victor in the battle of Marignano and a patron of the arts and letters during the lavish Renaissance , which flourished under his reign. History has endowed him with a glory never tarnished in the collective imagination by his defeat at Pavia, capture and ruinous expenses. His popularity can be measured by the memories recreated…
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