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Chagall's Fables

Published on , by Anne Doridou-Heim
Auction on 04 July 2020 - 14:30 (CEST) - 26, rue du Château - 29200 Brest

"The rooster, the donkey and the lovers " could be the name of this one, where personal history, patriotism and religion mingle in a colourful waltz.

Marc Chagall (1887-1985), Rooster with lovers, study, 1947-1950, oil on canvas, 32,8... Chagall's Fables

Marc Chagall (1887-1985), Rooster with lovers, study, 1947-1950, oil on canvas, 32,8 x 40,2 cm.
Estimate: €220,000/280,000
© Adagp, Paris 2020

The fairytale, fanciful world of Marc Chagall (1887-1985) needs clues to be deciphered when we see a rooster, a goat, a donkey, two lovers, a violin, roofs, the moon, a sleeping town and so on. His paintings all tell a story: that of a man…
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Saturday 04 July 2020 - 14:30 (CEST) - Live
26, rue du Château - 29200 Brest
Thierry - Lannon & Associés