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Color Burgeons in a Painting by Nicolas de Staël

Published on , by Caroline Legrand
Auction on 17 June 2024 - 14:00 (CEST) - Salle 16 - Hôtel Drouot - 75009

In 1950, Nicolas de Staël entered a period of maturity in which he used a lighter palette and more spacious forms—as seen in this composition, which has been in only two private collections.

Nicolas de Staël (1914-1955), Composition à la nacre, 1950, oil on canvas, signed,... Color Burgeons in a Painting by Nicolas de Staël

Nicolas de Staël (1914-1955), Composition à la nacre, 1950, oil on canvas, signed, 54 x 73 cm/21.3 x 28.7 in.
Estimate: €300,000/500,000
© adagp, paris, 2024

A transitional work: this is one way of considering Nicolas de Staël’s 1950 Composition à la nacre ( Composition in Mother-of-Pearl ). It lies between two periods in the short but intensely disciplined career of this pioneer of abstraction in France: after his early dark, expressive works of the 1940s, and before the colorful mosaics that began appearing in 1952. By December 1951, he was already…
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Monday 17 June 2024 - 14:00 (CEST) - Live
Salle 16 - Hôtel Drouot - 75009 Paris