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Fernand Léger in Corsica

Published on , by Caroline Legrand
Auction on 12 June 2020 - 14:30 (CEST) - 224, rue Paradis - 13006 Marseille

Given by the artist to his model, Ernest Blasini, this portrait is a rare early work by Fernand Léger. A mark of friendship, reflecting Cézanne's influence.

Fernand Léger (1881-1955), Portrait of Ernest Blasini, 1907, oil on canvas, signed... Fernand Léger in Corsica

Fernand Léger (1881-1955), Portrait of Ernest Blasini, 1907, oil on canvas, signed "F. Léger ». 80 x 60 cm.
Estimate:  €50,000/80,000.

Paul Cézanne 's portraits of seated men inevitably come to mind at the sight of this picture painted by Fernand Léger in 1907. He discovered Cézanne's work at the Salon d’Automne of 1904, where the latter had an exhibition of forty-two paintings. This opened Leger's eyes to a new approach to colour and form – synthetic,…
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Friday 12 June 2020 - 14:30 (CEST) - Live
224, rue Paradis - 13006 Marseille
Maison R&C, Commissaires-Priseurs Associés