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Focillon-Baltrusaitis: A Family History of Art

Published on , by Henri Guette
Auction on 13 May 2022 - 13:30 (CEST) - Salle 6 - Hôtel Drouot - 75009

Not only teacher and pupil but also father-in-law and son-in-law, the two academics Henri Focillon and Jurgis Baltrusaitis were leading figures in the history of art. Their collections simultaneously reflect a body of work, highly personal tastes and a family history.

Auguste Rodin (1840-1917), Deux bacchantes s'enlaçant ou La Faunesse et la Nature... Focillon-Baltrusaitis: A Family History of Art

Auguste Rodin (1840-1917), Deux bacchantes s'enlaçant ou La Faunesse et la Nature ou La Nature (Two Bacchantes Embracing or The Female Faun and Nature or Nature), model created around 1894, plaster signed and dedicated "To Focillon," h. 16 cm/6.3 in.
Estimate: €30,000/50,000

As the family is the initial learning environment, the Focillon-Baltrusaitis Collection provide an extremely important view of art history. Assembled over several generations, the objets d’art they contain tell the story of inheritances, friendships and travels, while conveying a specifically 20th-century vision of the world. Reflecting curious minds and a cosmopolitanism embracing France, Lithuania, the US and Russia, these collections were far from fossilized, and show us if not the "life of forms", at least a life with an intensely intellectual and artistic bent. Henri Focillon (1881-1943) always acknowledged that his thinking was influenced by the etching work of his father, Victor Focillon (1849-1918). Firstly because at the time, engraving—and especially interpretative engraving, well represented in the sale—was a way of circulating images and artworks, and thus fundamental to his later work as an art historian. And secondly because of its technique and gestures, which made a lasting impression on him. Henri Focillon considered it the special medium of "visionaries" like Piranesi, who was the subject of his thesis and who features in the catalog with a series of views of Rome and…
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Friday 13 May 2022 - 13:30 (CEST) - Live
Salle 6 - Hôtel Drouot - 75009 Paris
De Baecque et Associés
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