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Jehangir Sabavala, or Indian Modernity

Published on , by Sophie Reyssat

This powerfully constructed work by landscape master Jehangir Sabavala plays with contrasts of colour and light to impose its presence.

Jehangir Sabavala (1922-2011), The Upthrust, 1974, oil on canvas, signed and dated,... Jehangir Sabavala, or Indian Modernity

Jehangir Sabavala (1922-2011), The Upthrust, 1974, oil on canvas, signed and dated, 127 x 97 cm.
Estimate: €100,000/150,000

This painting is by Jehangir Sabavala, whose work is rare in France despite his being one of India’s most famous artists. He graduated from the Sir J.J. School of Art in Mumbai in 1944 before heading to Europe, first London, then Paris, where he took courses…
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