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Medieval English Alabaster Sculptors

Result EUR32,500
Published on , by Sophie Reyssat
Auction on 31 October 2021 - 10:30 (CET) - 13, avenue de Saint-Cloud - 78000 Versailles

A fine result extolled this 15th century English Resurrection scene alongside French furniture from the Ancien Régime.

England, York, second half of 15th century. Alabaster plaque depicting the Resurrection,... Medieval English Alabaster Sculptors

England, York, second half of 15th century. Alabaster plaque depicting the Resurrection, carved in high relief with polychrome and gilt highlights, 40.5 x 28 x 4 cm/16 x 11 x 1.6 in (on sight), in a frame under glass.
Result: €32,500

Doubling its estimate to €32,500, this alabaster plaque of Christ emerging from the tomb, one hand holding the shaft of the Cross, the other held up in blessing, is similar to elements of an altarpiece now in the Musée de Cluny-Musée National du Moyen…
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Sunday 31 October 2021 - 10:30 (CET) - Live
13, avenue de Saint-Cloud - 78000 Versailles