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Oscar Graf: A Gallery Owner with a Fin de Siècle Spirit

Published on , by Jean-Louis Gaillemin

A keen promoter of the wide-ranging Arts & Crafts movement, the son of designer François-Joseph Graf is poised to celebrate the 10th anniversary of his gallery with a new venue in Paris.

© Louis Delbaere Oscar Graf: A Gallery Owner with a Fin de Siècle Spirit

© Louis Delbaere

With an antique dealer grandmother and an interior designer father, you are a chip off the old block! Was this helpful? My first contact with the art world obviously goes back to seeing my father's projects and his stands at trade shows. At the Carrousel du Louvre, starting in 1994 when I was 7, I particularly remember his 18th-century stands for the Perrins and Maurice Ségoura, a dark, mysterious stand for Gallery Mermoz and the ones for the Vallois and Rateau galleries, which really impressed me. I never actually saw the legendary stand for Eileen Gray , but I've seen all the photos, of course. I was also struck by an African stand, where Philippe Raton's objects were on display next to Laroque's Rouaults.   You started in the business at the Paris Biennale … I was 17, fresh out of high school and my father, who had convinced François Fabius— a major French antique dealer—to…
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