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Othoniel As Narcissus at the Petit Palais

Published on , by Virginie Chuimer-Layen

The exhibition—an introductory journey through a wonderland of mythology, science and architecture—crowns the French artist, who recently entered the prestigious Académie des Beaux-Arts, with glass and gold.

Jean-Michel Othoniel, Nœuds miroirs (Mirror Knots), 2021.© Jean-Michel Othoniel Adagp,... Othoniel As Narcissus at the Petit Palais

Jean-Michel Othoniel, Nœuds miroirs (Mirror Knots), 2021.
© Jean-Michel Othoniel Adagp, Paris, 2021

Christophe Leribault, the last director of the Petit Palais before becoming head of the musée d'Orsay, is curating this 70-work show in the building built in 1900—a first. Some of the pieces, made specifically for the exhibition, illustrate the last 10 years of Jean-Michel Othoniel’s creative output. Punctuated by various "passages" from the outside to the inside of the built environment, it evokes the ancient myth of Narcissus, reinterpreted here as "Theorem". Othoniel composes self-portraits in materials with which he is obsessed:…
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