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Prud’hon: The Gift of Les Amis du Louvre

Published on , by Carole Blumenfeld

The Société des Amis du Louvre ends the year on a high note with the acquisition of Prud'hon's L'Âme brisant les liens qui l'attache à la terre: the artist's "last" and largest painting, classified as a National Treasure in May 2018.

L’Âme brisant les liens qui l’attachent à la terre © RMM-Gp (Louvre) / Benoît To... Prud’hon: The Gift of Les Amis du Louvre

L’Âme brisant les liens qui l’attachent à la terre
© RMM-Gp (Louvre) / Benoît Touchard

In a few weeks, L'Âme brisant les liens qui l'attache à la terre ( The Soul breaking the bonds binding it to Earth ) will join Delacroix within the red walls of the Denon wing, where the Louvre can now present all the major milestones in Prud'hon's career, to the great joy of the museum's Director of Paintings, Sébastien Allard: "We have been keeping an eye on this work for many years, especially Sylvain Laveissière, who had it restored at the time of the 1997-1998 retrospective, "Prud'hon ou le rêve du bonheur" ("Prud'hon; a dream of happiness"), at the Grand Palais and the Metropolitan Museum of Art." Listed at the painter's death in the studio of Charles-Pompée Le Boulanger de Boisfrémont, with whom he lived during his last months, and bought at his post-mortem sale by Pierre-Félix Trézel, one of his students, the…
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