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Rich Flemish Flowers and the Magic of the 1950s

Result EUR107,300
Published on , by Philippe Dufour
Auction on 29 February 2020 - 14:30 (CET) - 54, rue Pierre-Martin - Parc d'activités de l'Inquétrie - 62280 Saint-Martin-Boulogne

Poetic diversity combined a Bouquet by Osias Beert with advanced design by Line Vautrin and Roger Capron.

Osias Beert the Elder (1580-1624), Bouquet de fleurs, copper, 22 x 18 cm.Result:... Rich Flemish Flowers and the Magic of the 1950s

Osias Beert the Elder (1580-1624), Bouquet de fleurs, copper, 22 x 18 cm.
Result: €107,300

Osias Beert the Elder, who joined the Antwerp painters’ guild in 1602, took as his subjects the most sought-after flowers of his time, tulips. Today it…
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tableaux, mobilier et objets d'art, design, sculptures
Saturday 29 February 2020 - 14:30 (CET)
54, rue Pierre-Martin - Parc d'activités de l'Inquétrie - 62280 Saint-Martin-Boulogne
Enchères Côte d'Opale