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Rodin’s Eve at the Gates of Hell

Result EUR837,500
Published on , by Philippe Dufour
Auction on 15 November 2020 - 14:30 (CET) - 8-10, rue de Castries - 69002 Lyon

This extraordinary masterpiece by Rodin was hotly disputed in Lyon, its power tempered by the presence of two paintings with softer female models.

Auguste Rodin (1840-1917), Ève (Eve), small model with square base and flat feet,... Rodin’s Eve at the Gates of Hell

Auguste Rodin (1840-1917), Ève (Eve), small model with square base and flat feet, bronze with shaded brown patina, sand casting produced by Alexis Rudier between 1905 and 1917, signed "A. Rodin" on the inside of the base, h. 75.3 cm (29.5 in).
Result: €837,500

Over 900 people followed this auction of first-rate pieces online, which totaled nearly €1.5M. Auguste Rodin ’s Eve , one of the two large figures the…
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Sunday 15 November 2020 - 14:30 (CET) - Live
8-10, rue de Castries - 69002 Lyon
Conan Belleville Hôtel d'Ainay
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