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Spotlight on Asian Art with Pham Hau

Published on , by Caroline Legrand
Auction on 14 December 2022 - 14:00 (CET) - 7, rue d'Astorg - 31000 Toulouse

The Vietnamese painter is sure to make a splash once again with a large lacquer work enhanced with gold, alongside a Chinese seal and a Mongolian sculpture from the 18th century.

Pham Hau (1903-1995) Halong Bay, polychrome lacquer and applied gold, signature in... Spotlight on Asian Art with Pham Hau

Pham Hau (1903-1995) Halong Bay, polychrome lacquer and applied gold, signature in Vietnamese cursive with a lotus stamp, 100 x 200.5 cm/39.4 x 78.9 in.
Estimate: €200,000/300,000

Pham Hau seems to be everywhere at the moment, and keeps breaking his own records. The same could happen with this large lacquer celebrating the famous Halong Bay, with mountains overlooking the water dotted with fishermen's boats. Nature is also luxuriant and colorful, with reds, greens and golds enhancing the trees and flowers…
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Wednesday 14 December 2022 - 14:00 (CET) - Live
7, rue d'Astorg - 31000 Toulouse
Marambat - de Malafosse