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Tetsumi Kudo: Portrait of the Artist in a Cage

Result EUR111,600
Published on , by Philippe Dufour
Auction on 13 March 2021 - 14:00 (CET) - Espace Plein Ciel, 5, allée de l'Europe - 67960 Entzheim

The Japanese artist’s disturbing work still unleashes passions, as witness the very high bid in Entzheim (east of France) for this piece reflecting the contemporary world.

Tetsumi Kudo (1935-1990), Portrait of Artist, mixed media, signed and dated on the... Tetsumi Kudo: Portrait of the Artist in a Cage

Tetsumi Kudo (1935-1990), Portrait of Artist, mixed media, signed and dated on the side "1976", 28 x 34 x 24 cm (11.02 x 13.38 x 9.44 in).
Result: €111,600

In a multicolored cage, a being reduced to a head and enormous hands tries to knit a sweater while two symbolic items, including a bird also in a cage, make…
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Saturday 13 March 2021 - 14:00 (CET) - Live
Espace Plein Ciel, 5, allée de l'Europe - 67960 Entzheim
Hôtel des Ventes des Notaires