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The Deeply Unpopular Baccio Bandinelli

Published on , by Caroline Legrand
Auction on 25 January 2020 - 15:00 (CET) - 203, boulevard de Strasbourg - 76600 Le Havre

Never seen on the market until now, a drawing by the Cinquecento sculptor illustrates a major project for Prince Doria – and the talent of an artist whom his contemporaries loved to hate.

Baccio Bandinelli (1488-1560), Project for a colossal sculpture of Admiral Andrea... The Deeply Unpopular Baccio Bandinelli

Baccio Bandinelli (1488-1560), Project for a colossal sculpture of Admiral Andrea Doria as Neptune, pen and brown ink, black chalk, 42.7 x 28.6 cm.
Estimate: €60,000/80,000

Separating the man from the artist is a difficult exercise even today, and one 16 th century Italians clearly found impossible. The creator of numerous celebrated commissions and official sculptor to the Medici court, the arrogant Baccio Bandinelli attracted a great deal of opprobrium from his contemporaries. His pupil Vasari, for instance, hardly treated him with kid gloves in his Lives . Following the mysterious destruction of a cartoon by Michelangelo, an act Bandinelli was suspected of committing, he wrote "He was unanimously considered envious and false, and with good reason." Judged "incapable…
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tableaux, mobilier et objets d'art, dessins anciens
Saturday 25 January 2020 - 15:00 (CET)
203, boulevard de Strasbourg - 76600 Le Havre
Enchères Océanes
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