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The Egypt of the Pharaohs of Napata Rediscovered at the Louvre

Published on , by Stéphanie Pioda

Piye, Chabaka, Taharqa… The Kushite kings of the twenty-fifth dynasty ruled over Egypt, ushering in a religious and artistic renaissance. Their story is now being told by the Louvre, and not just in a didactic way.

Late Period, 26th Dynasty. Horus Making a Libation, known as "Horus Posno", bronze,... The Egypt of the Pharaohs of Napata Rediscovered at the Louvre

Late Period, 26th Dynasty. Horus Making a Libation, known as "Horus Posno", bronze, 95.5 x 39 cm.

They are not widely known to the general public, these “burned-face” pharaohs as described by Herodotus in his Histories in the fifth century BCE and cited in the Bible—Taharqa is mentioned by name. This is explained by the fact they came on the scene late, well after the powerful reigns of Amenophis and Ramses, those of the eighteenth and nineteenth dynasties (around 1500-1100 BCE). The great and powerful Egypt was weakened, divided—with one capital in the Tanis delta and the other in Thebes—threatened by the Assyrians’ desire for conquest. In the extreme…
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