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The Imaginary World of Ruins at the Lyon Musée Des Beaux-Arts

Published on , by Armelle Fémelat

A rich, ambitious exhibition about ruins, covering the Palais Saint-Pierre’s three floors, offers a moving, thought-provoking, enjoyable journey through time and space.

Hubert Robert (1733-1808), Les Découvreurs d'antiques (Discoverers of Ancient Ruins),... The Imaginary World of Ruins at the Lyon Musée Des Beaux-Arts

Hubert Robert (1733-1808), Les Découvreurs d'antiques (Discoverers of Ancient Ruins), c. 1765.
© Musée de Valence - Photo: Philippe Petiot

The aesthetics of ruins and derelict sites have captured artists’ imaginations for centuries. In recent years, these places have drawn interest from many cultural institutions and intellectuals, including historian and archeologist Alain Schnapp, author of Une histoire universelle des ruines . Des origines aux Lumières ( A Universal History of Ruins, from their Origins to the Age of Enlightenment , Seuil,…
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