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The Kahn Library: Honouring Surrealism

Result EUR361,318
Published on , by Anne Doridou-Heim
Auction on 09 October 2020 - 14:00 (CEST) - Salle 5 - Hôtel Drouot - 75009

Like causes produce like effects. This idea was confirmed by the second Kahn Library sale, punctuated by almost surrealist surprises and preemptions.

Dorothea Tanning (1910-2012), The Civilizing Influence, 1944, oil on canvas, 30.4... The Kahn Library: Honouring Surrealism

Dorothea Tanning (1910-2012), The Civilizing Influence, 1944, oil on canvas, 30.4 x 45.7 cm.
Result: €361,318

The first sale, on 7 November 2019, took in €5,760,323 and consecrated a first edition of Paul Éluard’s collection À toute épreuve illustrated by Joan Miro. The second focused on female Surrealist artists. The Civilizing Influence , a 1944 oil-on-canvas by American painter Dorothea Tanning (1910-2012), rang not to the tune of 5:05, like the clocks in her underwater seascape of rocks and coral, but of €361,318, her third-highest price and a French record (source: Artnet). But men quickly reclaimed centre stage.…
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Friday 09 October 2020 - 14:00 (CEST) - Live
Salle 5 - Hôtel Drouot - 75009 Paris
Pierre Bergé & Associés
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