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The Modernist Adventure in Brazil

Published on , by Oscar Duboÿ

On the occasion of the exhibition devoted to Brazilian modernists at the Chastel-Maréchal gallery, we look back at this generation of artists who mingled European influences with local resources.

Chaise longue in jacaranda and canework designed by Joaquim Tenreiro, c. 1947.  The Modernist Adventure in Brazil
Chaise longue in jacaranda and canework designed by Joaquim Tenreiro, c. 1947.  
Chastel-Maréchal gallery © Agence Phar - J. Beylard and V. Luc
Mikael Najjar, a member of the Marché Paul Bert, took Aline Chastel off on a trip to Brazil three years ago. Other visits followed, which led to the idea of an exhibition at the gallery opening this September. Over the past few years, Brazilian design has become increasingly popular at fairs and salerooms. For example, Wright (Chicago) and Piasa (Paris) have begun to include Sergio Rodrigues and his colleagues in their catalogue, and the Paris company even devoted a sale to the theme in December 2017. A few months earlier, the Nilufar Gallery had exhibited pieces by José Zanine Caldas and Jorge Zalszupin, before staging a show on the Studio d'Arte Palma of Lina Bo Bardi and Giancarlo Palanti at the last Milan Furniture Fair. In other words, the market seems determined to take Brazilian…
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