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The Power of Sabavala, the Grace of Maillol

Result EUR286,000
Published on , by Philippe Dufour
Auction on 15 February 2020 - 14:00 (CET) - 20, rue Jean-Jaurès - 06400 Cannes

Eagerly awaited on La Croisette, this work by an Indian master rarely represented in France paved the way for other gems by Maillol and Rivière.

Jehangir Sabavala (1922-2011), The Upthrust, 1974, oil on canvas, signed and dated,... The Power of Sabavala, the Grace of Maillol

Jehangir Sabavala (1922-2011), The Upthrust, 1974, oil on canvas, signed and dated, 127 x 97 cm.
Result: €286,000

Here, Jehangir Sabavala provided an arresting seascape from 1974 entitled The Upthrust (127 x 97 cm). The painting was bought by an English collector for €286,000. After studying in Bombay, then…
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Saturday 15 February 2020 - 14:00 (CET) - Live
20, rue Jean-Jaurès - 06400 Cannes
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