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The Venice Cini Collection in Aix-en-Provence

Published on , by Marie-Laure Castelnau

For the 70th anniversary of its foundation, the Cini Collection, one of the world's largest of Italian Old Masters, is on display for the first time outside Venice at the Hôtel de Caumont.

Piero di Lorenzo Ubaldini, aka Piero di Cosimo (1462-1522), The Virgin and Child... The Venice Cini Collection in Aix-en-Provence

Piero di Lorenzo Ubaldini, aka Piero di Cosimo (1462-1522), The Virgin and Child with Two Angels, c. 1505-1510, oil on wood, 116.2 x 85.2 cm/45.7 x 33.5 in, Giorgio Cini Foundation, Galleria di Palazzo Cini, Venezia.
© Fondazione Giorgio Cini

In Venice, the island of San Giorgio Maggiore opposite the Doges' Palace is a unique place where time seems to have stopped. It provides a magnificent view of the San Marco Canal, Serenissima's palaces and bell towers. Badly damaged by over a century of military occupation, it was completely restored by the financier and philanthropist Vittorio Cini. In 1951, this major 20th-century collector created the Giorgio Cini Foundation there in memory of his son, killed in a plane crash in 1949.…
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