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Thu-Van Tran: Past and Present

Published on , by Tatsiana Zhurauliova

A finalist for the Marcel Duchamp Prize in 2018, multi-media artist Thu-Van Tran was invited to spend the two years at Sèvres–Manufacture et Musée nationaux. In collaboration with the Manufacture’s artisans, she has produced a body of work that harnesses porcelain’s evocative beauty.

© Copitet Grégory / Sèvres - Manufacture et Musée nationaux Thu-Van Tran: Past and Present

© Copitet Grégory / Sèvres - Manufacture et Musée nationaux

Thu-Van Tran’s workroom at the Sèvres Manufacture is filled with haunting and beautiful objects that she describes as “an ecosystem, in which I can investigate myself as a person and as an artist.” Here, fragile sandstone leaves are scattered next to molded porcelain rocks incrusted with the carvings of birds’ wings and a model of a volcanic eruption. These works were produced during a two-year invitation at Sèvres–Manufacture et Musée nationaux . Established in 2019 in partnership with the Association for the International Diffusion of French Art (ADIAF), the invitation allows a finalist of the prestigious Marcel Duchamp Prize the opportunity to collaborate on a body of work that draws upon the unique expertise and technical…
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