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Truer-Than-Life Falcons by Meissen

Result EUR43,132
Published on , by Philippe Dufour
Auction on 09 October 2022 - 14:00 (CEST) - 34, rue Aristide-Briand - 89300 Joigny

Sculptor Johann Joachim Kändler created the two little hawks for Meissen. Their fine result attests to sustained interest in his most beautiful pieces.

Meissen, mid-18th century, kestrels tearing apart their prey, pair of porcelain statuettes... Truer-Than-Life Falcons by Meissen

Meissen, mid-18th century, kestrels tearing apart their prey, pair of porcelain statuettes after a model by J. J. Kändler, blue trademark with crossed swords, h. 29 cm/11.42 in.
Result: €43,132

The subject of this pair of decorative objects could not be more realistic: two kestrels making a bloody meal of their prey, one a mouse, the other a bird.…
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Sunday 09 October 2022 - 14:00 (CEST) - Live
34, rue Aristide-Briand - 89300 Joigny
Joigny Enchères - Joigny Estimations