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Turquin Teams Up With Stéphane Pinta and The de Bayser Family

Published on , by Carole Blumenfeld

Eighteen-year Turquin veteran Stéphane Pinta and Patrick, Louis, Matthieu and Augustin de Bayser have bought stakes in the expertise firm to ensure its long-term future. Éric Turquin answered our questions.

Left to right: Matthieu de Bayser, Stéphane Pinta, Augustin de Bayser and Éric TurquinPHOTO...  Turquin Teams Up With Stéphane Pinta and The de Bayser Family

Left to right: Matthieu de Bayser, Stéphane Pinta, Augustin de Bayser and Éric Turquin
PHOTO Henri du Cray

Why did you sell stakes in the company to Stéphane Pinta and the de Bayser family? There’s an old saying: “If you want to walk fast, walk alone. But if you want to walk far, walk together.” I've always needed others. When Stéphane or Philippine Motais in Narbonne find a painting in Toulouse, it gives me more pleasure than if I had found it myself. Just like when Jérôme Montcouquiol makes an attribution. It increases the possibilities. So you're not leaving the business? Quite the contrary, but it would be inconceivable to jeopardize over 350 auctioneers' studies if anything happened to me. If I died today, none of our clients would feel the consequences, and it’s essential to keep our partners’ trust. I owe everything to the auctioneers, especially that. I’ve always introduced Stéphane as my partner. After 18 years with me, when he pitched in to modernize our working tools while making a name for himself in the field of expertise with his major discoveries, it seemed natural for him to play a key role in our future by becoming associate director. As for the de Baysers, their youth, the proximity of our offices, the sharing of our documentation and the long friendship that binds me to their history through Bruno de Bayser were essential to our discussions with Stéphane, which quite naturally led us to become closer.…
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