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Victor Hugo's Sun in the Clouds

Result EUR12,571
Published on , by Anne Doridou-Heim
Auction on 28 September 2021 - 14:00 (CEST) - Salle 4 - Hôtel Drouot - 75009

La Maison de Victor Hugo in Paris preempted an ink drawing at the sale of the collection of two Hugo specialists with a wealth of intimate material.

Victor Hugo (1802-1885), Nuées et soleil et empreinte de pièce, black ink and wash... Victor Hugo's Sun in the Clouds

Victor Hugo (1802-1885), Nuées et soleil et empreinte de pièce, black ink and wash painting on paper, 8 x 11.5 cm/ 3.14 x 9.27 in.
Result: €12,571

The menacing Tête de gargouille ( Head of a Gargoyle ), seemingly straight out of the historical novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame , shared the spotlight with another drawing by the artist, Nuées et soleil, Empreinte de pièce ( Clouds and Sun: Coin Impression ). While…
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Tuesday 28 September 2021 - 14:00 (CEST) - Live
Salle 4 - Hôtel Drouot - 75009 Paris
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