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When the Sea Inspired Jean Dufy

Published on , by Caroline Legrand
Auction on 01 January 2023 - 13:30 (CET) - 7, rue Saint-Nicol - 14600 Honfleur

Le Havre was an endless source of inspiration for Jean Dufy and many of these peers, as this view of the English Channel basin attests.

Jean Dufy (1888-1964), The English Channel Basin in Le Havre, oil on canvas, 73 x... When the Sea Inspired Jean Dufy

Jean Dufy (1888-1964), The English Channel Basin in Le Havre, oil on canvas, 73 x 100 cm/28.74 x 39.37 in.
Estimate: €100,000/150,000

This seascape painted from a slightly high angle is a lovely, sweeping view of the bustling English Channel basin in Le Havre. Sailboats and steamships glide past each other in the middle of the vibrant port. Jean Dufy depicted the subject many times: at the very beginning…
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Sunday 01 January 2023 - 13:30 (CET) - Live
7, rue Saint-Nicol - 14600 Honfleur
Mytika Honfleur
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