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Women Artists Delight at Drouot’s “Oeuvres Choisies” Exhibition

Published on , by Tatsiana Zhurauliova

The quarterly exhibition “Oeuvres Choisies” returns to the Hôtel Drouot with a selection of highlights for the upcoming auction season.

ARR Women Artists Delight at Drouot’s “Oeuvres Choisies” Exhibition
Each quarter, the Hôtel Drouot presents an exhibition that features some of the most exciting works to come up for sale in the upcoming months. This edition of “Oeuvres Choisies” features a particularly strong showing of works by women artists, including a delightful oil painting La Roche-Plate au Portrieux by Berthe Morisot (1841–1895). One of the most celebrated women artists of the nineteenth century and Édouard Manet ’ s sister-in-law and frequent model , Morisot painted the work during her sojourn in picturesque Portrieux in the summer of 1884. Previously owned by the artist’s daughter, Julie Manet ( 1878 – 1966) , the painting captures the essence of Morisot’s Impressionist style: soft pastel colors and dynamic brushstrokes form an image that is simultaneously serene and full of life.   Eva Gonzalès (1849-1883), Joueuse de…
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