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Yvon Chu: Spreading Chu Teh-Chun's Name Throughout the World

Published on , by Harry Kampianne

To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Franco-Chinese painter Chu Teh-Chun, his foundation is staging an exhibition at the National Museum of China in Beijing. We talk to its vice-president, the artist's son.

Yvon Chu.© Jeff Hargrove Yvon Chu: Spreading Chu Teh-Chun's Name Throughout the World

Yvon Chu.
© Jeff Hargrove

Why did you create this foundation? To get my father's work better known throughout the world. It's a real family business; my mother Ching-Chao Chu is the president and my wife Anne-Valérie Sceau is the general manager. Why did you decide to set it up in Switzerland? My parents had always planned to retire there. This country was a true source of inspiration for my father. His 2009 series "Of Snow, Gold and Sky Blue" was largely inspired by Swiss landscapes. After he died in 2014, my mother and I decided to move to Geneva in late 2017 to create this foundation. At the moment, there are only the offices: we don't have a showroom yet. Historians,…
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