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LONGUEVE (Jean-Louis, Henry de) French lawyer...

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LONGUEVE (Jean-Louis, Henry de) French lawyer and politician (1752-1842) Important and very interesting set of documents, prints, manuscripts and letters addressed to him. Henry de Longuève : Autograph manuscripts, most of them related to procedural or legal matters. - Discourse on the union which must reign between the Magistrates, pronounced at the assizes of the Baillage of Orleans, November 14, 1775. 16 pp. in-4. - Of the love of his State. Speech pronounced at the Assizes of the Baillage of the Châtelet of Orleans, Tuesday November 16, 1779". 21 - "De L'humanité du Magistrat, speech delivered at the Assises du Châtelet d'Orléans, Tuesday, November 12, 1782). 20 pp. in-4. - De la Dignité du Magistrat ou du respect que le Magistrat se doit à lui-même. Speech pronounced at the Assizes of the Châtelet of Orleans, on Tuesday, November 15, 1785". 24 pp. in-4. To note the presence of a second manuscript bearing the same title with some variants in the text. 24 pp. in-4, also. - Academic School of Drawing. Speech delivered for the public opening of the Academic School of Drawing, in the City Hall of Orleans, on Thursday, November 23, 1786. Note a second manuscript on the same subject, with numerous corrections, additions in the margin, and variants, in the text. 7 pp. in-4. - De l'amour de la Patrie. Speech pronounced at the assizes of the Châtelet of Orleans, Tuesday, November 13, 1787 ". 7 pp. _ in-4. Among the set of letters addressed to Henry de Longuève, one notes several letters of Pierre Antoine Maslier-Robert, solicitor, who was mayor of Gien from 1832 to 1835, a letter signed by the Bishop of Orleans, Louis de Jarente de Sénas d'Orgeval (Orleans, August 30, 1788), concerning the convocations relating to the assemblies of the department of the Loiret, the duke of Maillé, will receive it on August 8, 1814, etc... Among the printed documents, one counts several n° of the "Journal de l'Orléanois" of 1785 and 1787, decrees of the National Convention, a bulletin of the laws containing the regulation for the police force and the conservation of the Canals of Orleans and Loing, the Procès Verbal of the meetings of the provincial Assembly of the ORLEANOIS (September 6, 1787), Précis in the instance for the lords owners of the Canal de Briare, Instruction for the works of distribution of the Land Contribution, several, Extract of the register of the Deliberations of the Directory of the District of Gien (session of the 3 thermidor, Year 2 of the Republic, bulletin of the Laws (1813), Decree of the National Convention "which orders the formation of a book of the national Beneficence", etc.SOVEREIGN ORDER OF SAINT JOHN OF JERUSALEM Signed document accompanied by its bull in the name of "Brother Andreas Di Giovanni y Centelles", lieutenant general of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, [handwritten document of 3 pp. in-folio, seal under plated paper, and wax seal of the "Commission of the languages of France"], document signed in Paris, January 27, 1816, by the Bailiff and the Commander, Peyre de Chateauneuf, "delegated by the Commission of the French Languages of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem", relative to the recognition in the quality of Knight by Magistral Favor, of "Mr. Jean-Louis Henry de Longuève, provided with a bull of S. E. M of Magisterial Lieutenant" and "We have authorized him to wear the decoration". A document with its wax seal preserved, to which was attached the receipt dated April 24, 1816, relating to the disbursements for the rights and the wearing of "the bulls that the Order of Malta has granted him. [Louis-François-Joseph de Bourbon, comte de la Marche, puis prince de Conti] (1734-1814) Handwritten petition addressed "to the Legislative Body", concerning the restitution of the property of "Citizen Bourbon Conti". 6 pp. gd. in-folio. [1795]. It is specified that "the Loy of the 10 Messidor present...gave him back the free disposition of his goods". It is also stipulated that his patrimony is in the hand of the Nation "by the effect of the contract of sale that he made on October 7, 1783 to the brother of Louis Sixteen for the usufruct and to Louis Sixteen himself for the property...". It is written there that if the purchaser does not fulfill his commitments, he thus abdicates of himself and really the right that the contract gave him to the property. "These principles which fix the nature of the contract cannot change with the forms of government. They will be no less inviolable under the new regime than they were under the old. After the enumeration of all the conditions for the establishment of this contract, it turns out that the citizen Bourbon Conty, was deprived of several of these conditions related to this one, knowing, that "The contract of 1783, is a kind of lease with annuity which can doubt that in such a market, the debtor of the annuity which would have disposed of a part of the goods with the sufficient authority to release them from this load was not held to return the heritages of which it would still be possessor". In conclusion, "The privilege established by the contract of 1783, must therefore