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Karl-Friedrich Scheufele: Time is on His Side

Published on , by Anna Aznaour

The owner and vice-president of Chopard, the collector welcomed us to an 18th-century patrician house at the heart of his manufacturing fief in Fleurier, Switzerland.

Karl-Friedrich Scheufele Karl-Friedrich Scheufele: Time is on His Side
Karl-Friedrich Scheufele
Why did you "hide" the paintings by Banksy and Damien Hirst in a remote part of the house? My wife and I argued about them. She thinks they’re gloomy and therefore not "showable" in a setting that’s supposed to be welcoming. Granted, the skull (Hirst) and the yellow reaper sitting on a clock, waiting with a big smile on his face to cut down a life (Banksy), might put some people off. But they refer to time, the theme of this house. We eventually compromised: the paintings are hung, but discretely to avoid shocking certain people. The collection here displays an impressive diversity of styles. How do you choose the works? Like any collector, I…
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